Meet Laurie Hyland

meet-laurieThe development of Evolutionary Money has been a 15-year project, emerging as two facets of my life came together. The first was my practical, professional life, the second my spiritual journey. For 25 years, as a certified financial planner and licensed investment advisor, I counseled clients around all manner of financial issues and challenges. At the same time, I was managing investment portfolios and struggling to understand why it was that the economy, and in particular the stock market, reacted the way it did at a particular moment in time..

As my professional life evolved, I became aware that money, so critical to each human being, had a hidden side. In addition, I became fascinated about the overall economy and the noticeable fear and greed, which seemed ever present. Out of these experiences it became clear that not only was our relationship to money askew, but the problems of our capitalistic society intensified each year. The question then began to arise for me: What would it mean to take a fresh relationship to both money and our capitalistic economic system?